Pointers For An Easier Quarter Investment Data Load

There is a difference between quarterly datasets and monthly datasets. Quarterly reports are much more detailed in that they tell us what was done, who invests in the portfolio, and who manages the portfolio.

Why Does An Asset Manager Need A Data Warehouse?

First, let’s answer the basic question: What is a data warehouse? A data warehouse is a SQL database built for the asset manager to store the important data and documents manufactured at their offices for analytics and distribution. If there’s any tangible evidence an asset manager can use to prove who they are and what […]

You Are Not Missing Out On Database Searches

Quarterly reporting season is wrapping up for many investment managers, or at least it should be. Shortly, managers will begin receiving emails from a few specific databases informing them something to the effect of: “Your database profile is only 60% complete. As a result, you missed out on 500 searches this quarter.” Are these emails […]

Data Management & Distribution Tools We Built in 2021

The end of 2021 is (unbelievably) sneaking up on us, so it’s the time of year when firms of all shapes and sizes start reviewing budgets, evaluating business relationships, and planning initiatives for the coming year. It is a very interesting time, from a business planning and evaluation standpoint. At APX Stream, our corporate mantra […]

Three Takeaways from our ESG Webinar

On September 29, we hosted a webinar entitled, ESG Due Diligence: How Databases and Subscribers are Using Data to Manage a $53 Trillion Opportunity. Rather than approaching the ESG question from a philosophical point of view, what we wanted to provide was a look at the ESG issue from three practical, et distinct perspectives: the […]

In Real Time, Assess Your Quarter-End Data Management Systems

In some of our previous pieces on investment data management, we’ve focused on things you should be doing to promote efficiency and effectiveness in the middle of the quarter. We’ve also written extensively on best practices and strategy – here’s our eBook on the topic, detailing the 4 components to an effective data strategy. Regardless […]

Investment Data Marketing: The 14 Profile Datasets, Explained

Investment data marketing is a deceptively difficult strategy to develop and execute. It’s not just choosing what data to publish and which databases to publish to, but it also requires an understanding of how best to position your data in the databases in order to accomplish two things: When onboarding new clients or in the […]

Thoughts from Our Recent Webinar on Investment Data Automation

On May 14, I sat down with my colleague, Emilie Totten at Synthesis Technologies to discuss data marketing automation. It was a peppy 30-minute overview of many of the important issues we’ve been covering on this blog for the past 18 months. That said, when you bring an informed, highly successful pro into any conversation, […]

Fact Sheet Best Practices: Investment Data Marketing

It’s that time: quarterly reporting. Like you, we are neck-deep in publishing, reconciling, and managing the data for all of our clients across North America, Europe, and Asia. One of the most important items on client to-do lists at the quarter-end is updating their marketing collateral; namely, their fact sheets. Fact sheets are the indispensable […]

We Were Wrong: the RFP/DDQ is Not Dying

In late 2019, we sent out an email blast, the gist of which is that the RFP is dying. We said that the consultant class no longer needs them; that the investment databases are the future of the due diligence process. We were, quite frankly, wrong in many respects. While it is true that narratives, […]

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